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Saturday, August 25, 2007

List out the top 5 presents you wish for (not in order of importance):
1. a family meal tgt.. impossible but still can wish for right hahahaha.
3. money to travel e world
4. money for shopping!
5. to be healthy and happy :D:D

The person who tagged you is: i'll do it the mr low way, SHAN. =P

Your relationship with him is: Cheering mates?! LOL. and maybe English tcher or something along tt line. project grp leader. friend?!

Your 5 impressions of him:
1. always irritate e shit out of me la, pisses me off at times hahahahaha.
2. shops like mad.. well, at least recently
3. crazy over pool
4. smart & hardworking
5. knows how to save $$. not bad for a guy!

The most memorable thing he had done for you: REJECTING MY LOVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG

The most memorable words he had said to you: BUT I DONT LIKE YOU IN TT WAY........ LOL

If he becomes your lover, you will: ask him to brush his teeth? but i think he'll WALAU i dont brush also so clean what

the next few qtns quite boring ah!

Your overall impression of her is: quite emo despite hisssssssss erms laughter and jokes and all

How do you think people around you will feel about you? have no idea, really. some think i'm loud, some quiet, some noisy, some thoughtful, some englsih pronounciation very bad hahahaha

The characteristic(s) you love of yourself is /are: able to make myself happy haha (:

On the contrary, the characteristic (s) you hate of yourself is/ are: i think i waste alot of time sleeping, like really.

The most ideal person you want to be is: more giving i guess..

For people that like and care for you, say something to them: thanksssss a bunch, really. :D i love you too, really really do! i hope my laughter doesnt annoy you, wasnt a purpose k! :D:D & erms, pardon my bad english?! HAHA!

11:06 PM


Thursday, June 28, 2007

HAHA quite sad. I got no blog and Shane wants me to blog here.
Dont think anyone would be reading this though.

Went shopping today with some KarMun, Shane, Laura and Linus but I didnt have the mood.. Coz my mind was like at somewhere else. Quite sad. Havent been shopping for a while. HAHA. What changed my mood was e call from my dad. Argh. Alot of stupid "What Ifs" went through my mind.

Ok whatever, gotta go study. Or try to. Goodnight.

10:36 PM


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

okay somehow i'm able to access blogger from home, but only after doing some stuff which is too complicated to explain here. i dont think this will happen again though. SIGH.
as promised, here are the pictures taken in Batam! ENJOY!

breakfast at seah im!

on the ferry to Batam. They really enjoy their sleep.

waiting for our rooms at the lounge. The real nice guy, Rudy.

checking out the room. JO and I slept next door.

your eyes arent playing tricks on you. it really is BFC.

the fries that taste so NEVERMIND.

the most expensive pair of shoes ever-$143,000! TSK!

Batam Centre-The second and better stop.

the stuff that was meant for the long nights, which of course, never took place. I dare say there were more soft drinks than that.

Lina with our ever helpful and PUNCTUAL driver. ((:

our beloved driver bringing us around Batam to kill time. Pretty huh?

the super picturesque bridge he brought us to. It was really so beautiful.

the other side of the bridge. The wind was so good.

the poor little crabs that we were about to eat.


the kilo full of shellfish.

i told you the food looked prettier on the plate (:

That doesnt look like a kilo full of shellfish. HMMMM.

MMMMM, the mess we left behind.


GOOOOOOOODDD MORNING BATAM! i can explain; i promise.

i told you i can explain. (

we're in the gym just working on our fitness. We're helping her lift erm, 0kg?

we had the whole alley to ourselves till the pros came along, and that's not one of them.

and look who won.

honestly the worst table ive ever played on. Balls were too small, cloth sucked and cues were so irritating.

the place where they spent most of their time, the bed.


11:01 PM


Monday, April 23, 2007

So here i am after a really long time, blogging.

Actually, I'm at the com lab of the Tourism Academy of Sentosa blogging my time away. It's raining heavily and we're waiting for the rest of them to finish lessons. Okay Shane just irritated me by clicking on Publish below.

And its MEL's birthday now. Now as in today la. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELLISSA, WHO'S BEHIND ME NOW. And guess whose birthday it is tomorrow? CHEN HAN BIN. For those who dont know, NVM.

School's nice. Even though i have to wake up really early to get to school. The bus ride is quite pleasent la except for the first few stops after my place where hoards of school kids alight at Temasek and Chai Chee sec.

I have a feeling I'm gonna miss TAS.

Oh i guess Colleen and I and some more friends are going to watch SPONGEBOB live!

k guys, gotta jet ( as ariel says)!



4:50 PM


Sunday, March 18, 2007

This blog is so dusty!Ha.No one's blogging? :(

My mind was all over the place today. Have no idea where though. Wasnt concentrating during work. Tried too, but to no avail. So sad. Gotta push all this thoughts aside and concentrate on packing my luggage.

Looking forward to the trip! Hopefully it helps me get some things off my mind. BUT i really dont know where its wandering too.. Hmmmmmm...

mel! :D

4:20 AM


Friday, March 16, 2007


it's been sucha long time since i've last posted something here and i really miss reading my posts. haha. okay tht sounded quite ego but still, you've gotta love yourself you know?

So many things have happened since I last blogged. Good things and bad. I guess we just have to cherish the good moments and learn from the bad ones. One thing good, I CAN BLOG AGAIN! YAY!

Anyway, as you guys probably know or dont know, i just got back from Batam and I'm feeling not so good. Dont ask why, i dont know why; and it's not the food. The food there's awesome. Let me take you on the 3 day 2 night journey I had there with Qing Yun, Joseph, Hui Shi and Lina.

Day 1

We met up at HarbourFront at 8am and had some breakfast at Seah Im Food Centre before heading off to board the ferry. Ahhh, i guess i'll be having breakfast there everyday next sem. Haha.

Then after getting out tickets and waiting for the gates to open, we boarded the ferry. The ride was quite nice and took only about 40 mins. I was awake the whole time cos i really really love the water and how it would splash whenever the boat moved. haha.

Then we reached the jetty and we were greeted by some orange shirt people who were from our resort. They picked us up and brought us to our resort which was really just 60 seconds away. It's really amazing. It's like the only decent piece of building there, at Waterfront City, the place where we were at.

HARRIS RESORT! They brought us to the lounge to chill as they got our rooms ready and we just sat there and met up with a real friendly chap, RUDY. I guess he's like the manager of sorts and greeted us and stuff. Real nice guy la.

Then we got our rooms (: Quite comfortable. Very comfortable actually, considering how everyone slept so long and soundly throughout the nights and even days.

After settling down and stuff, we headed off to town. We hired a cab for the entire day for about $60 and he took us all over Batam. First, he brought us to Nagoya Hill shopping centre in the more developed part of Batam. The roads are so scary la. The journey there took about 30 mins and the roads were so bumpy and full of holes and cars were travelling in two directions on a single lane. Seriously, not for the faint hearted. The drivers there are bloody skilled; that's all i can say.

We told him to pick us up after 3 hours. So as we headed into a very big shopping building, we were full of hope. But sadly, it was sucha disappointment. It pretty much reflects Batam la. So much land area, but extremely bad use of land space. There were so many empty shops and shops that were not open. So so sad. But surprisingly, I managed to find some pretty nice stuff and bought a pair of nice shoes for just $143,000 which comes up to about S$20+. What a bloody bargain man.

Then we saw something really interesting. BFC. Yes, BFC not KFC. Best Fried Chicken. The food served there was rather different. They served like chicken rice and soto ayam and fried chicken as well. Innovative I guess. Had some nuggets which tasted like nvm, and their chocolate milkshake had nuances of strawberries. Dont you just love that word, nuances? HAHA!

Our driver for the day picked us up promptly and brought us to our next destination, Batam Centre. I hoped the shops there were better and they were! Although it was smaller, the shops were mostly running and they had a Quiksilver and Roxy store there and you wouldnt believe how bloody cheap the stuff there is la! I really should have changed more money! So we walked around and I got an Everlast tee. Quite nice, another olive green shirt to add to my collection. haha. Then we bought snacks and drinks for our intended late nights which never happened. And donuts! Such tasty and pretty donuts they were! Yes Yes.

It was only 6pm when he picked us up so we asked him to bring us to somewhere beautiful and scenic. So after a long long long drive, he brought us up a huge bridge that overlooked the sea on both ends. It was so beautiful and the wind was amazing.

It was late by then and we were dying for some seafood so we asked him to bring us to a nice seafood place, preferably on a kelong. So after another long drive, we arrived at this super deserted place where they served FRESH seafood. It was by the water and our dinner was still swimming in the enclosure when we got there. But 10 minutes later, well let's just say it looks nicer on a plate than in the water; and it tastes nicer too! We had 2 crabs, a fish, kang kong and Gong Gong for just $14 a person and it was so good. Seriously so good.

So we got back to our rooms and had a good night's rest. That's all for day 1.

Day 2

Lina was still asleep so we wrote her a note telling her that we went swimming. So Qing Yun, Jo, Hui Shi and myself went swimming in the pool and it started to drizzle. I was so devastated that there was no sun out! So after some time Hui Shi and I went back to the room cos Jo and Qing Yun wanted to swim somemore. Yea right. I'm sure that's what they wanted to do. You guys already sleep on the same bed and now you want the pool? SIGH!

After they got back to the room and everyone was ready, we went down to see what we could do in the resort. So first, we went to the gym which looked half dead and played around with the equipment. The weights were all rusted and I didnt dare try some of the machines for fear of my safety. Then we went to the bowling alley for some fun. We had the whole place to ourselves till about before we were gonna leave. 2 pros came and played a few lanes away and I didnt know where to hide my face. That followed with playing on the worst pool table of my life with the worst balls and cues i've ever come across.

Then we went back to the rooms and cleaned up and they fell asleep again. The beds must have been really comfortable for them. I was watching tv the whole time. haha. Just give me a dumb black box and I'll be happy. When it came to dinner time, we went down to have some free meal which was pathetic and left us hungry even after that but it was all good when we were at the lounge. Yes we chilled there after dinner, listening to the band perform. We were also called on stage and sang along. Yes, tone deaf Warren was forced on stage cos i requested them to play Hotel California. What happens in Batam, stays in Batam.

Goodnight from Day 2.

Day 3

Nothing much happened on day 3. We checked out of the resort and boarded the ferry. I got a little ill cos i had soft drinks and chips for breakfast. Not a very good combo for breakfast. Hence the illness now. I'm sick and pretty pissed cos after waiting 5 hours for the pics to be sent to me, it got cancelled when it just had 10 seconds or so left. Talk about bad karma.

what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down.

p.s. pictures will be posted up soon, after i get them.

2:28 AM


Monday, March 5, 2007

Be strong guys. You know who you are. Take care.

We're always here..

Love, mel.

10:28 PM


Thursday, March 1, 2007

I just did one quiz and dumb blogger decides not to publish it. FRIGGGG.

YAY, exams are over!! No books for 6/7 weeks. London, I'm coming! :)

1:57 AM


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What? I bet everyone is thinking tt now. Yes, exams are over (: Hello Holidays! We love you. Yeah, it's time to embrace e holidays peeps.

In any case, do take care during e holidays & have tonnes of fun!


9:49 PM


blog like an hour ago? Kept this window open & Friendster has magically made me stayed with em. So I was Friendstering arnd for e past hr? Haha.

Had Mktg paper today. Well, it was ok I guess.

Supposed to be studying now? But I have yet to touch French wines at this time & Econs. Well, ltr. I told myself countless time tt I ought to stop being so last minute but it doesn't seems to be working well. Haha. Guess tt's my nature. && e fact tt I dont listen in lectures makes it worse. Oh well :/

So I've been getting really v little amount of sleep these few days which is really bad for health. Feeling v heaty these days. Ugh. Wanna gt some really gd sleep on Wed night (:

For now, it's back to wines. Toodles.

Rest when you need to (:

1:08 AM


abt wine.

Yes, it's e time of e day again, when I gt really distracted from studying. So it's F&B & Econs tmr. Ugh :/ No, I have yet to touch France at this time. Ugh. This is killing me softly. && did I mention tt Econs is still lying arnd? AHHHHH.

Exams will end by tmr. Time to gt some gd rest tmr before starting work.

Rest well ya'll.


12:50 AM


Monday, February 26, 2007

I think so.

Kinda experiencing one right now. Ugh. POM was alright but didn't feel v comfy aft tt, as in e headache & all. Hais. I keep telling myself just 2 nights more just 2 nights more.

Hang in there everyone!


10:59 PM


So.. I finally told Shane that I DONT LIKE HIM. Haha,shit, must be the happiest day of his life man. So how, want more touchings and sex talks? Or afraid alr? Lol. Think I totally freaked e hell out of his balls. Heh.. I'm good.

POM sucks lorsss. Argh. Was smiling to myself while reading e Katong Curry Puff case study. HAHA! Reminded me of e day when I fainted at OCK there you see. I dont know, but me have e tendency to smile when doing exam papers. Always thinking of something funny. So sometimes I'll laugh during e papers lar, but dont get freaked out ok peeps. Something funny just crossed my mind.

Cant wait for exams to be over! And e plans I have after that.. :D

Stay healthy pEEEEple. Mug hard and be Zerious!

Love, mel!

2:59 PM


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ok, e title is totally irrelevant but I dont really care.

Talked with MadMel last night for like 4h12m. Long or what? Aft tt, I TRIED V HARD to understand Econs but to no avail. Ugh. I seriously have a hate hate rls with Econs :/

Some of us are going on a night study trip in town tmr at Cine. Hopefully I'll be able to grasp e knowledge of Econs & Mktg by then. HOPEFULLY (:

Night peeps.

MadMel: Why so lovey?

11:35 PM


On the phone with Kar Mun now. Chatting alot of crap shit.

Feeling v hot. Hahaha.

Tried to do some studying at One Fullerton but to no avail. Quite sad. Tomorrow after work, gonna do some hardcore mugging. Better start before I run out of time man.

Ok bye.

Love, mel!

PS: I need a bf. Lol. No, just kidding.

PS2: I like Shane. Seriously.

3:11 AM


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tt's e main reason why nobody has updated since I did? Tt's so sad! Except for e fact tt MadMel went back to Msia. Haha. Shane e Hot Fk tt bugger, nv update. I think he only updated like once or smth? Tsk tsk.

So, guess everyone is busy MUGGING for e end sem exams & prolly with CNY. Haha. Even Shane e Hot Fk ok? ((: Anw, we all need some rest boy. How abt Norbit or The Epic Movie? HEHE. Let's laze, come on.

&& F&B coursework's out! So can check it out alr ya'll. Gtg update my other blog. Take care.

In e midst of all e mugging, hope tt you'll will drink loads of water (:


9:50 PM


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Why is everyone talking abt Fri being e last day of class? I mean, I know it is but it's alright. Do nt say tt I'm cruel but everything feels e same to me. We can always hang out if we are really united right? Fret nt.

&& e environment tt we are in is ever changing, so we have to live with it or so called adapt? I'm sure we all can, somehow or rather right? (: Have some faith. Haha. We can always meet up for some fun at Sentosa; aft sch or smth? Yeah.

With tt said, Happy CNY ya'll (: Wishing ya'll a smooth year ahead.

MadMel: Hope you're enjoying loads in Msia.

Shane e Hot Fk: Update. Hello?

SensitiveWarren: Himbo alert.

Night peeps. Mugging will have to start soon. Rest & drink loads of water.

1:18 AM


Friday, February 16, 2007

As above.

Have a happy CNY peeps! :D

love, mel!

5:39 PM


Last day as a class. Sigh. It will be so different being in a new environment with new people. No more cheering squad.. :( V v unlikely that the 4 of us will be in the same class together. Hai. Even if its just the 2 of us, it'll still be so different!

I LOVE 1k03 like MADNESS!


2:33 AM


Thursday, February 15, 2007

MISSED ME? haha, i bet you did!

so it's been a long long time since i've last blogged and i know ive been missed by many.

Well, now im in school, getting ready for my last project presentation, SOCIOLOGY! Pretty confident i guess. Well, it's just a presentation right? ((:

So let's recap what happened this week, hmmm.


Went to Bugis St. with Meng, Lil and Perlin. As expected, didnt see anythIng interesting. Sorry but it's *GASP*BUGIS*GASP*, aka the land of cheena bengs and lians. Sam didnt go cause of a dumb remedial class for accounts. I dont get it la, why poly still got remedial class?! So dumb!!


Had my facial and brows done today. My face is now a sea of open wounds and red marks due to the incessant removal of black heads for 2 hours. I hope it's better by CNY.


Happy Valentine's Day people! Went to school early to pass Lilian her flowers but she went off to TM already. AHH! I cam early to give you lor, why never tell me you left already? Anyway, i gave her rose to Mrs Vera Wee, our Comm Skills tutor. Then collected the flowers and passed them to the girls in class.

But when i walked into the LT carrying the bunch of 18 roses for my classmates, Shane shouted: " Wah Warren. So many flowers ah? Buy for yourself ah?" So stupid la!!

Then went to HarbourFront to do some shopping with Sam. Only managed to get one A&F shirt from my new favourite shop((: Then had some subway and sat at the top of Vivio. We kept reminiscing about the times in secondary school. The stupid things we all did!! I REALLY MISS HAI SING CATHOLIC SCHOOL!

Thanks Meng and Perlin for the gifts, and thanks Sam for the company(:

Tomorrow, Friday, ACG + ABG + OMG will be going out for dinner at 85! YAY! Miss the gangs. Haha. Meng and Sam will be staying over but i think i need a guy to stay over. If not will be a bit awkward. Any guy wanna stay? Please? HAHA.

Then I'm going shopping again on Sat! Most prob going to Great World for some shopping with Sam again. My new shopping partner? Haha! Oh shit, i dunno where the reunion dinner is at night. Blah Blah.

Happy belated Valentine's Day and Happy Total Defence day

3:18 PM


Monday, February 12, 2007

Hello. Thanks MadMel for updating. Lol. Like finally someone updated this blog.

Well, there was drama today. E Cheering Squad went upside down cus Shane decided nt to talk to me ): So sad right? Well, we're ok now aft some drama. I think one point in time I almost gt angry-for real. Oh well.

Friendships and relationships are really unpredictable. How sad right?

Anw, MadMel, dont be affected by e voting (: I'm sure you'll have your chance next time. && yes. Losing smth will in turn gain you smth (:

Nt Emo,

10:17 PM


Projects all over. Feel so goood. But weird.

Wont be working the whole of this week. SO HAPPY. Dread going to work nowadays. Truckloads of work politics. Its just not fun working anymore. Power hungry peeps, peeps sucking up, bossy and arrogant assholes.. I miss miss miss the used to be very happy and having fun while working Haagen Dazs team. Been toying with the idea of leaving for quite some time now, and think I've made up my mind already! Prolly just use that as a back up job till I find a new one. Ariel, bring us to Oscars or Oscar?! HA. Need a change. Change is good.

Congrats Ariel and Berns. :D Do have fun in the IG yeah! I think I didnt get in coz.. I wasnt popular enough. WAHAHAHA.. No lah, didnt expect to get in also. I joined for the wrong reason anyway. Everything happens for a reason. :) No IG = more time = work my ass off = Taiwan and/or Thailand trip in Sept = shopping = more money needed. WUHOO! Prolly find an F&B job at Vivo? Keeping my options open!

Shit lar, I think everyone knows about my not so secret eye candy already. Quite sian. Dont spread around ok you people. I very paiseh one hor. Bel and Mel like guys from Cartel.. hahaha. ;)

Cant wait for V day! Going out with "D girl Kat" (according to Shane and Warren) and some of her friends!

Life's been good! How about yours? :D

with lots of love to spare, Mel!

8:25 PM


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ok, so I'll do e courtesy & update this blog ((:

Well, we had some MFM outing with most of e peeps in class? (: Tt's way cool. E food's super nice & e company was of cus super lame!

AHHHHH. So tired. Well, anw, today was helluva fun! Woots. WOOTS. & Mel is THE laughing machine. & she shat! Could her little shit dropping into e toilet bowl. How kawaii nehhx ((:


2:05 AM


Thursday, February 8, 2007

no link!

Lol. So SensitiveWarren TRIED to teach me pool today. Obviously, being a tracker formerly, my pool skills pretty much sucked. LOL. E ball kept jumping. Damn funny. Comedy!

Well, guess most of us are damn happy alr! ALL PROJECTS ARE OVER ((:

Calls for a celebration which is why we're going to Clarke Quay tmr. Woots.

Cant wait (;

10:34 PM


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Doing my CW right now. Finally came up with a story! Ha. Writing it out now.. Just need to get it binded and draw some illustrations and I'm done! Wuhoo! Argh, cant wait for this to be done, as well as the leadership presentation. Hopefully we'll get chosen this week!

Went to school today! Made an effort to. HA. So proud of myself..

Shane was feeling PMSy today. Something must be wrong.. Need some touches Shane? ;)

Okay, back to work! V v v burnt out..



1:45 AM


Thursday, February 1, 2007

Eh Warren, next time dont want to tell you shitz already. Everything also dont wanna tell us! Nehneh la you. So secretive for what sia. I hope one day you die from depression or something coz you bottle up all your stuff in your tiny little heart that is about to explode soon. HAHA.

My brain is so dead (or fried, in the words of my CW teacher). Dont feel like attending CW leh, very tired. But dont wanna skip again la. Feel very bad when skipping classes.. Really hor, not lying.

Nehneh Warren dragged me and Ariel to FB lecture yesterday where we caught no balls. Was busy talking and eh, telling Shane and Kar Mun jokes . Warren say my jokes not funny, but at least better than him right! No jokes to tell at all. Hmph.

Btw, my interest in wines grew and I went to research on them. There's this wine called Merliza de Saedewords Tretyms. Such a coincidence right? :)

HAHA, ok, just kidding. Feeling very bored and sleepy..

1:43 PM


beside me now. Tt nehneh is playing pool. Online pool, duh! && we're checking out hot girls on my Friendster when actually I'm supposed to be doing some Creative Writing McShizzle. Ugh. Dont remind me.

So SensitiveWarren & MadMel are like two rows behind us. Wahaha. Smelling our smelly fart (: Actually, only Shane's smelly fart. Well, PervBerns is also beside me, checking out some hot babe on e blog. Some body part of hers (; Scandalous? He said it's a bad ad for him for me to say so. But it's HAHAHA. OUR BLOG, NT HIS.


1:17 PM


i dunno why but i cant access blogger at home. So here i am, in school, playing pool with shane and waiting for my psychology class to start at 2. Damn, that reminds me, ive got a psych test on saturday and i have totally no clue abt the subject.

anyway, the weather's been really nice. Sun's beating down like mad but it's not humid. The wind is just beautiful. Especially when you sit outside the library. The wind can litreally blow you away. So Hawaii-ish (:

still, im sick! bloody hell la. all started out from the stupid ice milo at design. I'm not drinking their milo anymore! Then yesterday morning, i totally lost my voice, freaked the hell outta myself. But after some fish soup and chin chow, i got it back((: but it still hurts. And now, i fill all feverish and nasal-y.

Hope im better by tomorrow, i really wanna enjoy myself with ABG. It's been a long time sicne we last went out. And i need to relax. F&B project is taking its toll on all of us, but i still love the subject (: Who doesnt love food?!

oh i really need some shopping. I need to get a bag. Any suggestions? I want a plain coloured sling bag with a rather thick strap. And i dont wanna small one, i want something big. BIG! YUP! tell me if you know where to get 1.

what a boring post. i guess it reflects how im feeling right now. ahhhh. somebody save me! no puncutation, no grammar! blah!


1:04 PM


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

MadMel! Haha. Heeding your advice, I'm going to start nagging now.

Come for lectures on Tue man! Drag yourself out of bed always, like me. Even if you dont like it. I mean, at least we can be late for lectures on Tue. Haha.

E NonsensicalCheeringSquad is like super busy with projects, esp F&B. Haha, ok, nt for me? But I ought to start (: Anw, come on peeps, always find a time ya'll to relax ok? R&R.


9:11 PM


I skipped school yet again. Was kinda lazy to wake up hahaha. Shit. Second tuesday in a row. Someone pls nag at me to go school and attend lectures! Oh man, if this goes on I'll be skipping all the lectures till exams. Its such a bad habit I ought to change. Argh.

This week's gonna be a busy week for me. I still have no inspiration for my frigging CW story. Oh man, anyone? Help me out!!

CS2 test on Thursday.
L&C slide submission on Friday.
F&B intention to complete by Saturday.

Walau. How busy can this week get. This sem really sucks. Shouldnt we be enjoying ourselves now before mugging for exams?

One thing though, cant wait for CNY (no, not the angpows). Been a loooooong time since I went back to Muar. Miss the slow pace of life. Cant wait to eat reunion dinner! HEHE. :)

Lovessss, mel.

5:36 PM


Monday, January 29, 2007

Oi (: Haha.

Why isn't anyone updating e blog?

So, e NonsensicalCheeringSquad is basically busy with projects? F&B esp. Haha. Well, I ought to start for tt. Did I mention? Imma last min kinda person. Haha. Oh well, some peeps are just born to be like tt.

Anw, in case you dk, I'm legal. Haha. Anw, doesn't feel different to be 18. Just tt I've gt an additional excuse to stay out even ltr? Lol. I'm saying tt cus I know my mom wont be reading this (:

My mom's super lame. 30 mins aft she gave me my red packet for birthday, she said "Oh ya, forgot to say just now, no clubbing ah!"

"Too bad & too late!" Someone alr booked me for tt anyway. Haha.

Ok, I'm hungry.

Till next time. Night ya'll.

12:42 AM


Friday, January 26, 2007

it's friday, Karmun's birthday and a very boring night to be!

i wanna go out! Someone please go out with me. Friday nights arent meant to be boring. Friday nights arent supposed to be spent at home trying to find something to watch. Who wants to go out with me? MESSAGE ME! CALL ME! I PREDICT I'LL BE BORED TONIGHT! Even though i have lotsa projects left to do, i just wanna chill. PLEASE?!

blah, blah, blah.
p.s. what a boring post.

11:55 AM


All I want for my birthday is Mr L.Ng!

with love, Cheering Sqaud. :)

12:08 AM


Thursday, January 25, 2007

I'm blogging while fishing through websites for Vietnam's economy for stupid Econs. Sian pi pi sia. Hate econs like mad.

So sad, shopping wasnt what I had expected to be. :( Thought I could rip some money off my dad. Lol. Luckily I didnt go home empty handed though. Looking for more pumps. Love pumps! I have a weakness for them. Wanted to get some from Ebase since they're selling 15$ a pair. But ran out of my size. So sad, so sad. Really wanted them badly.

My body's aching all over. Not from having sex yesterday night though. Lol. Warren, I've become like you lor. Leaking tap. Note to Shane and Warren, please bring extra tissues for me ah! You know I dont bring along tissues.. Neither does Bel. Give ya guys some peace tomorrow. Will be rah rah and noisy on Monday! HAHA. Praise the Lord people. It'll be quiet for once. Lol.

2007 seems like its the year for travelling. YIPEEEE.

Oh, and can we not go to the zoo please? I dont like the smell.

Mel. =D

10:43 PM



Haha. So MadMel & I went home early. She's catching up on her sleep while I'm trying to finish projects. Nt slackers ok Shane e Hot Fk.

So we've been talking abt Mr L these days. According to em, I'm obssessed. Ok, I'm far frm tt. Maybe I'm feeling kinda empty that's why.. So emo right? Sniff sniff.

Ok peeps, we should go Indulgz Bistro one day. E food's nice (: I loved my linguini vongole & their cabonara is nice. Nt caborana ah! Hehe. Nice food & nice company. Woots.

Ok, I gtg gt back to projects alr.

SensitiveWarren: It's cool to be open with us (:

3:53 PM


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another emo post? Haha. Maybe. But before anything, what happened, Mel? Why the sudden emo post? Dont steal the lime-light from me k? I'm the one with the emo posts around here. You're supposed to be the lalala blogger. Anyway, no matter how crude or tactless you may be, I'm not saying that you always are, but still, we are your friends k? Not JUST classmates. ((:

So i went to IMH for a psychology field trip. Sadly, i didnt learn much. BUT it was so nostalgic. The whole bus bringing you outta school and lining up feeling; you just dont get that anymore in poly and I really enjoy that feeling so bloody much. I miss HAI SING!! Especially that time, i think in sec 3, when we went to the mushroom farm and stuff. Then we asked the driver to stop at Jalan Kayu for some prata. Haha. I really miss those times. I miss being 16. I didnt wanna be 17 and I sure as hell dont wanna be 18. AHH! Yes rong, i'm getting older, dont have to remind me of that. Sigh.

It's the 24th of Jan now. You know what that means right? Haha. I cant believe time flew past so quickly. I guess it's something new for both of us but I'm sure we're doing fine, dont you agree? Like you said, I just wanna go back to september ((: And you still have that leaf? That leaf that is rotting by now. Haha. You're damn bo liao at times you know? Still, that stupid leaf put a tear or two in my eye. Soon alright? Very soon. And in the mean time, keep practicing chinese, if not you'll end up like your cousin. Or worse, ME!


Seems like this year will be a year of travelling.

Class wants to go to Bintan, probably Thailand too? Should be going to Brisbane later in the year for some visiting and SURFING! And most prob going to Bali for someone's wedding anniversery. MORE SURF!

MONEY MONEY MONEY. WIFE Fund is rather empty. Kind souls? Anyone? Ahh, hopefully I'll work in Liquid Kitchen during this hols. Hope they have vacancies though. Seems fun. Hmmm..

i'll give you mars bars and more..

12:52 AM


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Yay! Internet connection back up. Felt so weird without having internet connection when I switched on my laptop. Think we all couldn't live without the internet huh?

Anyway, this is for the people whom I have hurt unintentionally through my words..

First and formost, I apologised if anyone has been hurt by my words before. It's all unintentional and I dont mean any harm. I'm someone who has always been very striaghtforward and direct and I speak without thinking.

I dont know why but it guess its the environment in which I've been brought up in. My parents have never thought how each other would feel when they spew vulgarities and sarcastic remarks and comments to each other, even to a stage of abusing each other physically. Its insane and scary. Perhaps I'm like that because my parents are like that. That was the environment that I was brought up in. Yes, no doubt my parents showered their love, care and concern on me, these abusive scenes are much more vivid then the happier times.

Because they dont spare a thought for each other, I dont spare a thought for the other party before speaking as well. I say whatever that comes to my mind.

It could be because of this experience hence my behaviour. I was never one who would beat around the bush. If I'm unhappy, I'll definitely show that I am, with the tone and words that I use and I know that people can sense my unhappiness. I was never one who would choose my words and repharse what I have to say into "a nicer sounding sentence" that wont hurt.

Hence, sometimes, my words do hurt people unintentionally. Not one person, not two, but many many people.

I apologize if I have hurt you in one way or another, but the fact is that I do care. Well, at least what I say is how I feel and I dont wear a mask.

I guess its the life experiences that moulded me into who I am today. My mom was never brought down by my dad's words and vice versa. They still continued to work hard to bring us up. They did not let their marriage/words/abuse affect their lives, and I guess thats how I learnt not to be affected by what people have to say about me. If my parents can withstand the abuses and hurtful words from each other, why cant I? People can say whatever they want, I just shut myself out or learn from it.

Although I do wish that I came from a closely knitted family at times, I'm happy and contented with what I have right now, and I couldnt ask for more. :) I have learnt so much from all these family drama at home, things that I couldnt learn in school.

Yup, thats about it I guess.

It feels so good to be at home resting. HAHAHA. Hope you guys had fun in school today.

Bel, we'll have dinner another day alright? Love. :)

"Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt my soul."


1:06 PM


Monday, January 22, 2007

I have so much shitz to say. But my internet connection is down. So sad, so sad. Waiting for Ariel to complete her peer evaluation. Its just so diffcult to mark down people on the POM project coz I felt that everyone really did their bit. So yea.

Ok, Ariel's done. I'm off. :)

5:19 PM


As i'm blogging, the match between Arsenal and Man U is currently going on and I really cant be damned to watch. I mean like Arsenal will surely win (I hope i dont have to eat my words) and Man U will just be Man U la. Why bother right?

And after tomorrow, POM will be done. Really quite a huge load off my tiny shoulders. Just need to clear Econs and F&B and i'll be laughing mate. I really just wanna sit at home and relax. I dont wanna go to school and i mean it. Okay, i shouldnt start bitching now, control Warren, control.

The only consolation is that there's Nip/Tuck tomorrow night. My old flame has been re-ignited again. So much has changed since i last watched that show. But one thing remains, Dr. Christian is still so bloody hot la! Ahhhh!! And that visit to IMH on tuesday. Probably the only useful thing that I'm gonna learn in Psychology will be during that trip, probably.

Oh and I really feel like complaining about a certain tutor here but I've been warned not to by another lecturer so I shall be a good little boy and hush. But if you're kaypo, just ask and I'll be more than glad to bitch to you. (: I'm serious.

Yea and i had a weird dream abt a friend last night. Hmmm, shant mention who, but close friend nonetheless. It's so weird, like it started the minute i fell asleep till the time i woke. Never had sucha long dream before. Hmmm, maybe it's a sign! About what? I dunno. Haha. Oh well.

your guitar; it sounds so sweet and clear.
but you're not really here, it's just the radio.

12:27 AM


Saturday, January 20, 2007

(: Sorry tt I instigated PervBerns to jab your you-know-what hole. Sorry. I know I do take things too far sometimes.

But dont do it to me. I cant take jokes. Ha.

Had a gd time shopping today with Shane e Hot Fk, MadMel & PervBerns (: Quite tired when I'm on e way home though.

Quite tired of sch also. Sien.

See you peeps on Mon.

11:50 PM


Belala, hope you like the cake and lil surprise. Walala, dont know if our acting pulled off. LOL. Thought we kinda failed. Did you suspect anything Belala? And stupid Shalala, dont wanna ask the staff if we're able to bring outside food in. Walau, simple thing also cannot help us meh. Nehneh. Oh well. Small cake, but still.. You might have a bigger one next week. ;)

Had so much fun at Cafe Cartel today. HEHE. Hope one day we'll be able to successfully play the who-got-the-longest-breath game. I have no idea why Walala didnt laugh at all. And more truthsssss! Walala, its truths ah. Not lies ah, whether white [lie] or not. But the food not really nice leh, still prefer NYNY. Hmmmm. Shalala, please keep dirty bedroom and bathroom secrets to yourself unless we ask you. We dont need to know about them. Haha. Think we should have a CheeringSqaud outing like weekly or fornightly. HEHE.

So glad marketing is sooooo over and done with. The project I mean. I dont have to suffer anymore last minute attacks or anything. Thanks Shalala, Walala and group for coming down. And also for not bombing us with alot of questions. :)

I'm so tired. Going to bed soon. Project tomorrow and some shopping. Hopefully I'll be able to get something.. I realise that I've been spending money like water the past few weeks. Need to cut down on shopping soon. But CNY coming leh hehehe. Need new clothes and shoes leh.

Love you all.


P.S: Dont ask me for the pix. I'll send them to you when I feel like it hahahaha.
P.P.S: I dont like Bin Bin la. Just say he's cute coz he got that sleepy/dreamy look. HEEHEE.

1:12 AM


i'm just so jaded.

just exhausted mentally, and i dont know why.

We had marketing presentation today. Ahhh, so ugly la. My damn tie didnt match my suit and shirt at all! Warren, how could you be so careless?! I hope it didnt cost me any marks, seriously.

Anyway, just a note to all the groups:

You people all did well okay? The questions we asked were not personal at all. All in the name of school work. So please dont take what any of us asked to heart and you know what? I've forgotten who did what and who asked what already. Haha! We love you guys!

Went to cartel after that for some dinner. Yummy, i still love their ribs but the portions seemed have to shrunk; right Shane? So much fun there. As part of our plan to surprise Karmun, Mel and I went to buy a cake from TM under the guise that we were gonna get something for my dad's birthday, which is today. Anyway, when we walked back, we passed the cake to this staff sitting outside and they brought it to our table and i think KM was quite happy. Not cos of the cake but cos of the person who served it. Well i wont reveal any names but it starts with a L and ends with a ewis. So, yeaaa.

So dumb la! First time i've seen KM so shy! She kept asking us to drink finish our water so that he'll refill it. Then Mel asked his age and stuff. And we got a feedback form and sung his praises man! Even wrote a poem on how good his service was. Lit students ah, tskk.

Yea then bought some cakes for my dad for his birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thanks for the call that day. Haha. Made me re-consider some things and i guess i know what to do now. I love you. <3

ok Cheering Squad, i confess. I lied. Name's Rongchie, from church. Dont ask me anymore. I really wont tell. Time's not right. Really.

so far away, i wish you were here; before it's too late, this will all disappear.

12:36 AM


Friday, January 19, 2007

Thanks ya'll for e surprise birthday cake. Although small, it's really nice of you all! I mean, nt all big things are gd (; Hehe.

&& Shane e Hot Fk: Ctrl yourself!

SensitiveWarren: Open up! Pun nt intended!

MadMel: Bin Bin (: Hehe.

I love ya'll.

11:46 PM


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hello Warren, I have no idea why you want to make a big fuss out of it. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. Yes, irritating as it may be, but who hasn't experienced that before? Me and Edmund, Kar Mun and Bernard (Sorry girl, just making a point), Shane and Siti, You and QingYun. Right? Everyone has gone through their fair share of it what. Say, if I went out with someone from LRM of the opposite sex and I tell you guys about it, you guys will also be harping on it, no? Oh well, maybe we did cross the line abit, but this big reaction is just un-called for. Like what my manager said to me before "Gossips die a natural death." So yea. You guys also used to keep disturbing about Edmund and me and the barrier thing, but now no one really comment/tease me about it.

Not that I dislike you or anything, really. And I mean it. I still love you to bits. Just my two cents worth. :) Please dont get offended/irritated/pissed/defensive by what I've just said.

Shane, which part of DOM dont you understand. DOM=Dirty Old Man=Bernard=Berns3ballski (however you wanna spell it). You ah, everyone wants to go to Vivo, why cant you co-operate with us!!! You need some new tops and jeans(clean, new, nice smelling ones) and tissue packets for Kar Mun and I btw. HAHAHA. At most you share cab with them go home again lor hahahaha. We can go to the arcade to play with the bang bang car game and chill at e sky garden again. And eat our steak and mussels. Marketing is also finally over, isn't that a reason to celebrate? I miss working on projects with the 3 of you. :( Guess we won't have the chance to do projects together again ah unless we end up in the same class.

Kar Mun, love all the small talks with you. Was fun passing notes even though we're sitting beside each other. Aiya what to do, someone say my voice very loud can hear me talk mah. So better not disturb him lest he wants to pay full attention to mr daniel CHIA. Stupid things I do during lectures, like messaging Shane even though he's sitting above me (PUN SO NOT INTENDED PLS!). Lets show Shane some attitude again if he hangs out with other girls. Ha! Cant wait for shopping this Saturday!!! Gonna shop till we drop and buy many many shitz. You know ah, that day when I crashed Jap lect with you, how I wished we were in Europe at that moment. Learning about their cultures, going to their theme parks, eat their food, shopping and all. I can't wait! But in e meantime, let me concentrate on studies first. And work of course. :)

So yea, I guess that's about it. I love you all long long. Warren, pls dont doubt my words ok. I didnt mean any harm when I posted that. I dont want cheering squad to fall apart. Love you guys to tiny bits and pieces. :) Sorry Shane, must tear your *toot* apart to bits and pieces. Hehe. ;) Oh, and I'm not being emo. HAHAHAHA. Ok, off to projects.

Mel. :)

10:40 PM


first of all its bern not dom mell.. who the hell us dome.. anyways i am so not horny i just appreciative of a little human touch.. wondering why im here.. well im in the com lab.. warren went home and he forgot to log out from our account.. so there you have it.. pool tomorrow.. woohoo.. ok fine i might update again later

6:27 PM


I knew i shouldnt have told you guys about it. i kinda trusted you guys but maybe i shouldnt have. It's so bloody annoying when you keep repeating something that has no basis for speculation or comments whatsoever. What happened was not something that i chose at all, i was just being myself, nice. I would really appreciate it if you would just stop irritating me with your dumb and un-called for comments.

Thank you.

Anyway, I'm in the com lab now, waiting for Kathy and Shane to finish up some work. Management report is done and all i have left is to print it out first thing tomorrow morning. Oh, and i skipped Psychology lecture to be here today. Haha ((:

I really wanna go Vivo this friday!! Shane, just go la. Dont be sucha wet-blanket (PUN INTENDED). It's a friday night and we're kinda celebrating Karmun's birthday, so just come la. TM is like so boring lor.

I'm kinda excited now cause there's Hell's Kitchen tonight and we'll be playing pool tomorrow! Finally, some relaxation.

Oh, and i think i'll stick with green.

it's much better to face these kinda things with a sense of poise and rationality.

6:27 PM


I'm addicted to PhotoHunt. I just cant stop playing can! PhotoHunt really rocks. All thanks to you WeiCheng.

Wah Karmun, your blood really damn alot ah. LOL.

Warren, today you punch my nose until very shiok hor. Lucky never bleed or break ah. Why so defensive. Must be like Shane. More receiving abit mah. HEHEHE. So how's your POM report coming along?! You know what I mean, dont you.

Shane, you're one horny guy. I forbid dirty old man (DOM) to tell you sex stories and experience, lest you get even hornier. But he can continue telling us (Me, Bel, Warren) of course. Feed us with more info pls DOM. Heh.. ;)

Very sian, must wear formal wear.

Loves, mel with the double L double S.

1:47 AM


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

called EmoWarren! So emo. Come on, lighten up!

So today we had loads of fun doing projects.. Right Shane e Hot Fk? ((: You know what WE mean. Wahaha.

So, Photo Hunt is a super nice game (: Try it!

&& MadMel, I've alr stated tt this is nt a sex blog. With your pics like tt, difficult for peeps to believe! But I'll still miss you (: Wahaha.

TIRED. Night ya'll. Love & peace.

11:13 PM


I know you guys will love this. HAHAHA. I chanced upon these pics while blog hopping ok. Cool huhh. Something to crack you guys up.. :)

Bel and I are going shopping on Fri(after marketing) and Sat(after POM fliming). Come along ok?! MUST COME ALONG! Cheering Squad outing.. again.

I need a credit card so I can shop online. Anyone? :) *wink wink blink blink smileeeeee e most innocent smile*
Mel :)

12:52 AM


touch someone on this blog who is nt a girl & nt gay! HRMPFFFFF.

Ok, SensitiveWarren, what's up with your emo post man? Scary mongoli! & I'm SingleChristabel..

& MadMel: Please eat more.. May e fats be with you! *nods hard*

Eh, we all should gt a guest blogger! So fun right? Nt Bern ah. Ltr he ride on e fame of our famous blog & ask peeps to vote for him!

Ok, bull.

I have menses so can use red.

Christabel in da house yo.

12:01 AM
